Dear Sligo Family,
I’m sure by now that many of you have heard the recent press conference held by the Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan regarding the impact the coronavirus will have our state. On yesterday, Thursday March 12, 2020, Governor Hogan announced that all gatherings consisting of 250 or more individuals must be suspended until further notice.
As was promised, we are committed to keeping our Sligo family, as well as our surrounding community informed as to how these ongoing developments will impact the life of our church. In lieu of these recent events, I want us as a community of faith to know the steps that we have taken and will continue to take as we strive by God’s grace to confront the impact of this virus head on:
- All Sabbath Sligo worship services and any related church activities, such as, Sabbath School, prayer gathering, choir rehearsals, journey groups, youth activities, Homes for Hope, just to name a few, have been suspended until further notice.
- Although our Sabbath worship services have been suspended, the Pastoral staff, along with the support of the Sligo media team, is providing a live-stream service each Sabbath morning beginning at 11:00 a.m., minus an in house congregation. We are encouraging our members to join us this Sabbath online for a time of prayer, praise and the proclamation of the word of God. My message this Sabbath is titled, “No Need For Fear!”. You can be a part of this service by going to Sligochurch.org/media..
Also, this can serve as an opportunity for our members to become better acquainted with Sligo’s radio ministry, Simple Truths for Life, aired each Sabbath morning at 8:30 on WGTS 91.9 FM
- In order to protect the health of our elderly population as well as many of our shut- in members, we believe that it is best that we also suspend any visitation by our pastors to hospitals, nursing homes and even home visits.
- Regarding the returning of your tithes and offerings, we ask that you please take advantage of the online option on our website. (Sligochurch.org/Give).
Or if you prefer, you may come to the church office during the week and drop them off there. Please know that our pastors and office support staff are here to serve you. (Our office hours will remain the same.)
- If you an emergency and the church office is closed, please call our emergency line at 301-980-1009.
- To receive up-to-date information on the impact the corona virus is having on the life of our church, please go to Sligochurch.org.
Finally, as we continue this journey through uncharted territory, let us not lose sight of the fact that God is still sovereign and remains in control. In times such as these, let us not forget the words of the Psalmist David in Psalm 46: 1-2, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;”
Charles A. Tapp
Senior Pastor