Hi Family,
Normally when I prepare these Monday updates, it’s from my office at the church, but today I have decided to do it from the confines of my home. It is hard to believe that the month of April is already upon us. This past Sabbath was the first Sabbath of the month as well as our fourth virtual online worship service. Again we thank God for the dedicated men and women of Sligo who help to make this possible each and every week. On Sabbath we had nearly 3,400 devices connected to our service. This by far is the largest number since the pandemic began spreading. Although we are not physically together during these times, these numbers to a large degree reflect the spirit of the words of Hebrews 10:25, which counsels us, “Not to forsake the assembling of ourselves …”
Some of you have mentioned that you have had problems with the online streaming, especially those of you who view it from the platform on our church’s website. We have learned that this might be the case for some due to the high volume of internet usage since the COVID-19 pandemic began. If you view the service from the church’s site and are unable to see the broadcast, please refresh your browser and try again. If you continue to have problems using this platform, we encourage you to view the service from YouTube. Just enter Sligo SDA Church Live Stream to get connected.
As we continue this time of confinement, please keep in mind some of the ways we as a community can remain connected:
Phone Calls – What better way to remain connected and at the same time make someone’s day than to simply pick up the phone and give them a call? In the world where “texting” has become the norm, how about going back to how it used to be done.
Prayer Gathering – There is a call-in prayer service where those who desire to be a part of this gathering can call in and join other like-minded individuals. If you would like to be a part of this gathering on Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m., you may call 425-440-5010, and when prompted, enter the following conference pin: 867642#
Journey Groups – If you are a member of a Journey group, or would like to be part of a Journey group that will meet through an online platform, such as zoom or Skype, please just click on the link to receive more information. <virtualjourneygroups>
Ministry Leaders – During this crisis we are encouraging all ministry leaders to stay connected with your groups via an online platform. This is vital to our continued development as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Assistance: This is a challenging time for a number of our members, particularly those who have lost their means of livelihood. Should you be in that position or know of a member who is, please write to Pr. McFarlane about this at <dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org> We will certainly do our very best to provide whatever support we can.
Giving –. While many of you are continuing to return your tithes and offerings online, others are either mailing their contributions to the church or bringing them directly to the church office, and for this we are eternally grateful. <adventistgiving>
Finally, as I mentioned this past Sabbath in my message, “The Arrogance of Ignorance,” there is a danger when you and I make plans apart from the counsel of God. And if this virus has taught us anything, it is that none of us can say for sure that the plans we make for the future will actually come to past. For most, if not all, the plans that we had made before this crisis hit, have had to be postponed or cancelled altogether. But let us take comfort in the words of God to the prophet Jeremiah: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Stay hopeful,
Charles A. Tapp
Senior Pastor