Hello Family,
Here we are again with another Monday update. I am happy for the opportunity that we have to connect with you each week in spite of the confinements that have been placed upon us. I pray that in spite of these ever-changing developments that you are still remaining resolute as you continue to adapt to the new challenges that the COVID-19 crisis brings with each new day.
I want to take a moment to say how pleased I was to be able to see so many of you this past Sabbath who were able to connect with our service via zoom. As a matter of fact, many of you shared with us that it was one of your favorite parts of the service. What it did for me, as well as for many others, was to make us long for the time when we will be able to return to the sanctuary with our Sligo family. Trust me when I tell you that you ARE missed!
Each week you hear me say that when we come out of this crisis, my prayer is that we will be a people that is better, stronger and wiser. But what I would like to hear from you is, in what way(s) do you feel that we can be better, stronger and wiser? Please email me at <ctapp@sligochurch.org> and share your thoughts.
This Sabbath, Potomac Conference President, Bill Miller, will present the sermon in our 11:00 a.m. Worship service. In the afternoon at 4:00, Elder Miller plans to share a special message on the Conference’s response to the pandemic. Following this message, a concert featuring renowned violinist Jamie Jorge will be presented. Both afternoon events can viewed at <www.pcsda.org>
As many of you have witnessed, our Sligo community continues to find new and creative ways in which we all can remain connected while being apart. Please take a moment and review the opportunities of how we can continue to do life together:
Free Conference Line. – It has been brought to our attention that there may be those in our congregation who do not have access to the Internet and are unable to take part in the service each week. If you know of anyone who may fall into this category, please let them know that we have provided a free telephone conference line that will enable them to hear the service live. All they need to do is call 1-848-220-3300 and provide the conference I.D. 2091247710#
Church Board – This evening the Sligo Church Board will be holding its first meeting via zoom. Because this will be an online meeting, we will not have the usual meal prior to the meeting!
Kindergarten Sabbath School – The staff has been missing your child(ren) and want to spend some time with them this Sabbath (April 25) via zoom! We’ll sing a few songs, celebrate birthdays, share pictures and video, and study the lesson. Please contact your teacher for more information.
Ministry Leaders – During this crisis we are continuing to encourage our ministry leaders to stay connected with your groups via an online platform, as this is vital to our continued development as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Pray Without Ceasing: On Sundays from 11 to 11:30 a.m., please join us and invite your friends, colleagues, and family for an additional prayer time to claim God’s Power and surpassing Peace over the giants we are currently facing. Please call 425-440-5010, and when prompted, enter the following conference pin: 867642#
Youth and Young Adult – If you are a youth or young adult and you’re looking for ways to remain connected with other youth and young adults, just click the link to get started on your journey. <sligoyouth@sligochurch.org>
Prayer Gathering – there is a call-in prayer service where those who desire to be a part of this gathering can call in and join other like-minded individuals. If you would like to be a part of this gathering on Wednesday evening from 7:00–7:30 p.m., you may call 425-440-5010, and when prompted, enter the following conference pin: 867642#
Journey Groups – If you are a member of a Journey group, or would like to be part of a Journey group that will meet through an online platform, such as zoom or Skype, please just click on the link to receive more information. <virtualjourneygroups>
Homes of Hope – Five Homes of Hope Small Study Groups are meeting electronically and studying a variety of subjects, including the Character of God, the Book of Exodus and the Book of Daniel. Should you wish to join one of these groups, please contact Beth Wear at <bethannwear262@gmail.com>
Assistance – If you are aware of a member of the church that has lost his or her means of livelihood as a result of the pandemic and needs assistance, please contact one of the pastors about this. We will certainly do our best to provide them with whatever support we can.
Giving –Thank you for your continued faithfulness during this time of unparalleled crisis. While many of you are continuing to return your tithes and offerings online, others are either mailing their contributions to the church or bringing them directly to the church office. For this we are eternally grateful. <adventistgiving>
Stay Hopeful,
Charles A. Tapp Senior Pastor