I don’t know about you, but I am weary. I’m tired of COVID-19 and all of its restrictions! I’m exhausted from worrying about when this nasty virus will strike again. I mourn with the thousands who have lost loved ones, many of whom have died alone—unable to say those precious last words to a spouse, parent, or child. How can this be? Processing the events of the last few months has been overwhelming for all of us. Unfortunately, this pandemic has kept us apart as a church, the very thing we so desperately need. Wouldn’t a Sabbath hug feel great right now?
Then, just when we thought it couldn’t get worse our country must deal with the unspeakable death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. Thousands upon thousands have joined a growing throng of Americans who are raising their voices in protest to this senseless death, all because of an alleged forged twenty dollar bill! Now, I’m not trying to wade into politics, and I’m certainly not seeking to justify those who are being violent or looting. Still, my heart is sick for my countrymen, my brothers and sisters, who have endured enough simply because of the color of their skin. While I am unable to protest because of an underlying medical issue, my heart is broken.
So where is God at the moment? Is He silent, as if this is some sort of celestial test for us? Does the Master of the Universe care for what we are going through? These are reasonable questions that plague some of us in the middle of the night. Yet I believe with all my heart that the Lord is near, in countless ways, through His people. He’s standing next to that ICU bed holding someone’s cell phone so that they can say ‘I love you’ one last time. He’s kneeling next to that doctor as he prays for a patient’s family. Our Lord strengthens the maintenance workers, clerks, and others on the frontline. I even saw the Lord in the Sheriff in Flint Michigan who took off his riot gear and told the protesters that he wanted to change their protest march into a parade. The crowd emitted a nervous chuckle, then asked him to walk with them! This simple act moved me to tears.
These are sorrowful, turbulent times which could eat us alive spiritually if we’re not careful. But we know better. We know Whose we are. We know He’s present with us and through each of us. And we know Who will have the last word. Many years ago I lost my grandmother. This was the first loved one I’d ever lost and the pain was unbearable. It was Sabbath afternoon when I heard “A Time Will Come for Singing” on WGTS. It moved me to tears, yet gave me hope. The last verse of this song says:
A time will come for singing
A hymn by hearts foretold
That kings have sought for ages
And treasured more than gold
Its lyrics turn to silver
When sung in harmony
The Lord of Love
Will teach us to sing its melody
This song by Dan Schutte, though written years ago, speaks to our times. I’ve linked this article to the song. I hope you listen, and allow its words to heal your heart.