Happy Monday family!
I pray that you had a blessed holiday weekend and that you were able to enjoy it to the fullest. It’s hard to believe that the first week in July has come and gone, but here we are nonetheless. Although Covid-19 is here and giving no sign of going anywhere in the foreseeable future, we need to take make sure that we take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the simple things in life.
As we shared this past Sabbath, on Friday, Sligo Church, in partnership with Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington and its partner churches, distributed 60,000 lbs. of food to the Takoma Park community. This was the equivalent of providing 50,000 meals to families in need. A special word of thanks to all of our volunteers who were able to make a tremendous difference in the lives of so many. We will let you know when we plan to take part in this type of outreach in the future.
We are happy to inform you that this year’s VBS, although a virtual one, is off to a great start. According to Pastor Hazel’s latest reports, over 10,000 families from around the world took part in the first night of the North American Division’s VBS, under the theme of “Heroes.” If you still would like to make sure that your child takes part in this life-changing event, visit our website at sligochurch.org
Also, please don’t forget that on Sabbath, July 18 at 4:00 p.m., we are planning a Sligo Connect Meet and Greet (via zoom) that will give us an opportunity to connect and share with those in our church that have not had the opportunity to do so during this crisis. Again, this is not a business meeting or a town hall, but a time for the body of Christ to experience the sweet fellowship that comes from being in the company of like believers. Please be on the lookout for an email that will provide our members with the necessary link that will be sent later this week.
With so much pain in our world today, being caused by viruses both seen and unseen, taking center stage in the news and our lives, it’s easy to believe that hope is nowhere to be found. This is why we, here at Simple Truths For Life, want to invite you to take part in the life-changing event, “Hope When It Hurts: ExperiencingGod’s Peace In Trying Times, with pastor and author Dr. Cheryl Wilson Bridges. This event will provide you with timeless ways to be hopeful despite days that are filled with life’s most hurtful and difficult situations. Over 14 nights, Pastor Bridges will share practical principles from God’s Word that will bring rest to your mind, and joy to your heart. The series takes place from July 10 – 25, commencing each evening at 7:00 p.m. For more information on how you can be a part of this online event, just go to sligochurch.org.
Finally, please take note that we are still making plans to move forward with Sligo’s 11th Annual Homecoming Celebration scheduled for August 1. The plans for this special event are still moving forward, although due to a recent board action, it will be a virtual homecoming this year due to the pandemic. But just like our first virtual communion, I am confident that it will be just as meaningful. For more information on this year’s event, go to <sligochurch.org> and click on the homecoming banner.
As always, please take a moment and review the opportunities of how we can continue to do life together while we are apart:
Heroes VBS (Vacation Bible School) Live July 6-10, 2020) Schedule:
- 10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. — VBS Family Worship with Guest Speaker
(pre-recorded worship thought)
- 10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. — Family Worship Activity
- 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.— Daily Challenges and Submissions
- 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. — VBS Live!
For more information and to register, go to <sligochurch.org/vbs> Please email Pr. Marroquin at <hmarroquin@sligochurch.org> with your children’s t-shirt size by Wednesday, July 1.
Sligo Church Presents – Hope when It Hurts: Experiencing God’s Peace In Trying Times with Dr. Cheryl Wilson-Bridges. The event will take place July 10 – July 25, every Monday through Saturday, at 7:00 p.m. To take part in this Sligo outreach event and to invite a friend, go to: <https://Media.sligochurch.org>
Children’s Ministry: Each Sabbath at 10:00 a.m., you can connect your children to one of our 3 weekly Zoom Sabbath School Sessions: Little Friends, Kindergarten or Juniors. The new weekly link is emailed out on Fridays, via our Pathfinder, Adventurer, and Parent (parents of children 14 years old and under) email groups. Parents, if you have not received an email, and would like to be included, please contact Pr. Hazel Marroquin at <hmarroquin@sligochurch.org>
Join us for virtual Prayer Gathering – Invite your family and friends for this additional prayer time to claim God’s power and peace over the giants we are currently facing. This week we will begin a series on the book, Steps to Christ, by E.G. White. Our presenter for Chapter 1 is Pastor Hazel Marroquin.
- Wednesdays from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Zoom call) Contact Pr. Cheryl Wilson-Bridges at <cbridges@sligochurch.org> for access to the link.
- Sundays from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. (Conference Call: Prayer Line Number 425-440-5010 code: 867642#)
Youth and Young Adults – If you are a youth or young adult and you’re looking for ways to remain connected with other youth and young adults, just click the link to get started on your journey. <sligoyouth@sligochurch.org
Stay Safe!
Charles A. Tapp
Senior Pastor