Happy Monday family!
I pray that you had a restful as well as a safe weekend, and that you were able to get at least some of the things on your to do list completed. There’s something about feeling accomplished when you are able to scratch some of those things off your list. And yes, I was able to spend some time in my garden, as well as time spent weeding and just doing overall yard work. But no matter what you were able to get done over the weekend, I hope that rest was definitely a part of it.
Allow me to take this opportunity to thank those of you who took part in our third Grab and Go Food Distribution. Because of your willingness to spend some time in the hot sun this past Sabbath, we were able to distribute 320 boxes of food to those in our community. As I have said many times over the past few months, although the church has left the building, we have not abandoned our mission. Since the start of this pandemic we have been even more resolute in accomplishing our mission. If you remember, the third aspect of Sligo’s mission statement focus is on reaching out to our world, and we are doing that as never before.
This past Saturday evening was the final night of Sligo’s virtual evangelistic meeting led by Pastor Bridges. Because of her efforts and those on the part of her team, many lives were touched by the word of God over 14 nights as seeds of truth were planted in their hearts. Our prayer is that these seeds, which were sown faithfully each evening, will take root and ultimately bear fruit of righteousness. And because this series was done virtually, it will continue to live in the land of the Internet for many years to come. We look forward to many more efforts like this one as we continue to strive to share the everlasting gospel with the entire world. In case you would like to view an episode you might have missed, you can view it by visiting <sligochurch.org> or by visiting Sligo’s YouTube page.
Finally, believe it or not, this Sabbath we will be celebrating our 11th Annual Sligo Homecoming. Although this year will be a virtual homecoming, it promises to be just as meaningful. Our theme for this year is, “All Are Gifted…All Are Valued.” Our speaker will be Dr. Kendra Haloviak from La Sierra University. Along with our virtual parade of nations, we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first female pastors ordained to gospel ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, all of whom, were serving at Sligo at the time. For more information regarding the events of the day, please go to <sligochurch.org>Also, please click this link if you would like to take part in the virtual parade of nations. Please use the attached picture and recipe as examples of the criteria required for submission.
As always, please take a moment and review the opportunities of how we can continue to do life together while we are apart:
Children’s Ministry: Each Sabbath at 10:00 a.m., you can connect your children to one of our 3 weekly Zoom Sabbath School Sessions: Little Friends, Kindergarten or Juniors. The new weekly link is emailed out on Fridays, via our Pathfinder, Adventurer, and Parent (parents of children 14 years old and under) email groups. Parents, if you have not received an email, and would like to be included, please contact Pr. Hazel Marroquin at <hmarroquin@sligochurch.org>
Youth and Young Adults – If you are a youth or young adult and you’re looking for ways to remain connected with other youth and young adults, just click the link to get started on your journey. <sligoyouth@sligochurch.org>
Journey Groups – If you are a member of a Journey group, or would like to be part of a Journey group that will meet through an online platform, such as zoom or Skype, please just click on the link to receive more information. <http://sligochurch.org/journey>
Assistance – If you are aware of a member of the church that has lost his or her means of livelihood as a result of the pandemic and needs assistance, please contact one of the pastors about this. We will certainly do our best to provide them with whatever support we can.
Giving – Thank you for your continued faithfulness during this time of unparalleled crisis. While many of you are continuing to return your tithes and offerings online, others are either mailing their contributions to the church or bringing them directly to the church office, and for this we are eternally grateful. <adventistgiving>
Stay Faithful!
Charles A. Tapp
Senior Pastor