Recently I heard a Religion Professor say that most Christians don’t believe that God will answer their prayer, otherwise, we would thank Him in advance. He made that statement based on a survey, but I didn’t catch the details because I immediately started analyzing my own prayer life and my faith. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that statement but came to the conclusion that my prayer life and faith had definitely improved over the years; however, there was room for improvement. How’s your prayer life and faith, family?
I went to the Bible for encouragement. In Daniel chapter 3 we find the story of Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, whom Nebudchadnezzar tried to force to worship an image. However, they stood firm in their faith knowing who they believed in.
I love what the three friends said to King Nebuchadnezzar after his final warning to them to either obey or die. Their answer was, nope; we don’t even have to think about this, King. Our God will save us from you and the fire, but even if He chooses not to, we are still not worshipping your god. The faith of these young men inspires me because they were certain that God would answer their prayer, and were even glorifying Him before they knew what would happen. They were also ok with dying for their faith.
There’s something in this story that inspires me even more and it’s found in verse 25. The young men had been thrown into the fire, yet nothing happened to them. As a matter of fact, they didn’t even smell like smoke. And on top of that, get this, Jesus Himself was in the fire with them, and King Nebuchadnezzar himself identifies Him. Isn’t that amazing! One Commentary states, “The literal sense of the Aramaic is “son of God,” but as with its Hebrew equivalent, which appears frequently in earlier biblical texts, the idiom does not suggest a filial connection with God but rather belonging to the general category of celestial figures.”
When our faith is tested to the core, like the faith of these young men was, and our hearts are burning with the bitter fire of discouragement, will we continue to believe in God? Just this week someone mentioned how a well-known Christian left Christianity because they could not understand how, if God existed, He would allow so much pain and suffering. Many years ago, when my heart was burning with discouragement and doubt in God, I too had to make a decision. I wish I could say that my faith was as strong then, as it is now, but it wasn’t. But, Jesus Himself showed up, and for that, I will eternally be grateful.
My dearest Sligo family, in the same way that Jesus showed up for Daniel’s friends He will show up for you and me. May we be reminded daily of who our God is. He is the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and what a level of faith they had in Him! That’s the faith that I want, the faith that will lead me to say that my God will save me from death, COVID, injustice, discrimination, loss of income, etc., but, even if He doesn’t, I will continue to believe and trust Him with all my heart, knowing that He is faithful, that He has our best interest at heart, and that He always answers our prayers.