Therefore, as we begin our Fall 2020 semester, we do so with a recommitment to actions and learning which convey to each student that they have potential and that their life is one of great value. We will create learning experiences which refine each individual’s growth in their personal and professional competencies so that they become portraits of our university mission to develop “competent moral leaders.” We will be intentional about affirming in each heart that, even if they have the ability to master the most rigorous content and earn the highest grade, if they don’t have love, it profits them nothing (1Corithians 13). Furthermore, we will attempt to shepherd and guide each student as they grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), mindful that each student is a “dear member of our precious flock” (Micah 7:14-17). Join us in this commitment, won’t you? As a result, the “Spirit of Community” will not only be experienced during this academic year here at our university, but this fragrance of Christ’s love will saturate and refresh our world.
From the time we were children, we have joyfully sung these words and melody – “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white – all are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world”. I must confess to you that I had taken the message of this delightful song for granted – but no longer. Why the change in mindset? It is because during this year of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, as a global community, we have been challenged by the need to recommit to intentional actions which show that each member of our community is precious. Often we think of precious stones or precious metals, but it is during this historic year, we have been reminded that each life is precious. Especially as daily we are reminded of the hundreds of thousands around our world who are infected or who have lost their lives from the corona virus. Upon reflection, we readily recall our increased sensitivity to the reality that each life is precious as our thoughts continue to be haunted by memories of mothers who, while expressing their social justice concerns, were tear-gassed or the senseless killings of 2020, such as the precious lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Alberry and Breonna Taylor.
Some of you know that I enjoy words and the meaning of words. It is for this reason that I cherish the definition for the word “precious,” which is commonly defined as “one who is beloved, one who is of great value, and/or one who is not to be treated carelessly. It is within the context of this definition that Washington Adventist University launches its Fall 2020 with the theme, “Spirit of Community,” through which we reaffirm our commitment to learning experiences which celebrate that each student is precious. I believe that this theme brings a smile to the face of Jesus – who through His encounter with the woman at the well, His healing relief to the mind of the demoniac and His evening conversation with Nicodemus – actively demonstrated that indeed, each person is beloved.