Social distancing can leave us feeling alone and isolated. This time of uncertainty calls for innovative and creative ways for us to stay connected, supported, and encouraged. We want to provide you with one way to continue to do life with others by building authentic relationships and strengthening your walk with God. Both are essential for your journey through life, especially in these challenging times. Our Journey Groups are currently meeting virtually to respond to the present health crisis.
Register Today: If you would like to join an existing group, please CLICK HERE to sign-up and start your journey. As groups fill up, new ones will be added. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Fielder at pfielder@sligochurch.org.
Virtual Gatherings: While we find in-person gatherings the most beneficial, we prioritize your health and safety. At present, all Journey Groups use Zoom or conference calls for their meetings. Groups are comprised of 10-14 people to foster connection and commitment.
What to Expect: Our next session is October – November. Most groups meet every other week, while some groups meet weekly. Each gathering typically lasts for 60-90 minutes. Journey Groups are sermon-based. Each gathering your group will dig deeper into the previous weekend’s message and help process how to apply the principles from God’s Word to everyday life. You will find support for your relationship with God, encouragement from fellow Christians, and connection during these isolating times.
Who can Join: Journey Groups are open to everyone who would like to grow in their relationship with God and fellow Christians. While most groups are multi-generational, there are groups for young families and families with teenagers.
Gather Friends and Family: Invite friends and/or family to join you in starting a virtual Journey Group. We suggest 10-14 people to foster connection and commitment.
Set a Time: Journey Groups usually meet every other week, during this time of isolation we suggest you meet once a week to stay encouraged and connected. Determine the frequency, day, and time with your group.
Choose a Platform: A video chat would be best so that people can get the face to face time that is lacking in our current situation, but a conference call also can work. Choose a platform such as Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, or another similar option.
Get the Weekly Leader’s Guide: The Journey Group Team will provide a step-by-step guide each week that you can use as an outline for your virtual gathering. The guides are sermon-based, so you don’t have to do extra homework. Each guide will dig deeper into the previous weekend’s thoughts and help process how to apply the principles from God’s Word to everyday life. Email Pastor Fielder at pfielder@sligochurch.org to receive the weekly Journey Group guide, or if you need any assistance in setting up a virtual group.