Unprecedented. We’ve heard that word a lot lately. The Bible tells us that “there is nothing new under the sun,” and you have perhaps heard it said that “history repeats itself.” So is this truly an unprecedented moment in history? The purpose of this question isn’t to trivialize the amount of loss and suffering that many of us have experienced, but rather to serve as a reminder that God has led us through pandemics before and to encourage us all with the belief that He will do so again. Because history repeats itself, we can learn from it to do the present differently. Not only can we learn from it, but we can be encouraged when we see that despite whatever tragedy has been thrown at us we carry on. A wise woman once said, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.” Let’s take a moment to look at what God has brought us through in the past and what is truly unprecedented in this pandemic.
Pandemics, we have been hit with them before – the bubonic plague(s), Spanish flu, SARS, to name a few. Not unprecedented. We have seen case numbers and death tolls in the millions before. Not unprecedented. We have seen masks enforced, and schools and businesses closed before. Not unprecedented. Conversely, we’ve seen anti-maskers and people disregarding social distancing before. Not unprecedented. We’ve seen churches closed before. Not unprecedented.
So what is unprecedented? Our medical advancements and our understanding of how viruses work. Our technological advancements, and therefore our ability to remain connected with friends and family. Though we are physically distanced we can still remain socially connected and actively engaged in bringing the love of God into our communities. Of course, in the midst of all of this, there are the three things that remain in all times and circumstances: faith, hope, and love, the greatest of which is love.
As you can see, there is actually very little about the current pandemic that is unprecedented ,and the few things that are unprecedented are some of the biggest things for which we should be thankful. So at this point in history, which may not be so unprecedented after all, let us have faith in unprecedented ways. Let us hope in unprecedented ways. And let us love in unprecedented ways. If we can live in faith, hope, and love, if we can give thanks IN (which is not the same as for) all circumstances, then we will always be free, whatever restrictions and obstacles we face.