We live in stunning, turbulent times. In moments like these, we look around our world and see the physical, mental, and spiritual chaos caused by Covid-19, the economic downturn, political divisions and racial injustice. In the past week, we’ve lived through unprecedented political rancor. The political unrest in the US reached an explosive peak, with the dreadful culmination of our Nation’s Capitol being under domestic siege. Only twelve days ago we had high hopes for a better New Year, now many of us are hoping for a better 2022! Yet, we must remain hopeful even while our nation is hurting. So I find myself recalling simpler times, those days when troubles were much less complex. Maybe memories can offer hope for the future.
It was early in the morning and I was in the kitchen with my grandmother preparing to leave for elementary school. Our dog, who was named Nubby because of his short, stubby tail, was outside in our backyard. As always, I would call Nubby to the door and he would run into the house wagging his tail with glee and proceed to jump all over me and lick me. I looked forward to his animated greeting each day. But on this particular morning, Nubby was outside a bit longer and he was very excited. When he saw me coming, he took off running towards our glass door at full speed. Nubby ran so fast that before I could open the door he jumped and crashed through it. The shattered glass sent shards flying everywhere, some of which, hit my legs. I fell to the floor with a pool of blood coming from the deep gash on my left knee. I was seriously hurt. But my grandmother was there to clean me up, sweep up the glass, and wipe away my tears. A good situation had gone terribly wrong. Yet the next day I happily continued my routine with Nubby, and my family thanked God that my injury was not worse. God’s mercies are new every morning.
Jeremiah also experienced a serious situation when he wrote Lamentations. God promised Israel that He would give them land, make them a nation, and grant them His favor. But now they were in captivity. A good situation had gone terribly wrong. But Jeremiah, while in bewilderment and despair, never gave up hope. While hurting he reminisced and wrote, “Then I recalled to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 21-23.
Morning is coming in America. When insurmountable problems rush in at full speed and crash into your calm, routine life, pain and grief can knock you down. Sometimes the situations you face are so bad that they leave you shattered and bewildered. Your hopes and dreams fall to the floor in a pool of despair. However, recall to your mind that God is with you! Jesus stands by in the mess and is there to wipe away your tears and clean up the broken pieces of your life. He will sweep away your sorrows and in Him, you will get on with your day. So make your memories a monument of hope for your future. God is faithful and His mercies are new every morning. Remember this—reminisce and have hope even when it hurts.