March 7—can you believe that it’s been one whole year since we worshipped together in the Sligo Church Building? I think most of us thought it would just be a month or so before we would be back, or at least we’d be back by summer. But, here we are one year later.
We’ve been very fortunate that our very competent media team, pastors and members have worked so well together as they continue to provide a meaningful worship experience even while we’re at home. We’ve seen our children and members participating from their homes. Some members that I knew only by their names before, I now know by their faces. Oh, that’s who so-and-so is! But it still can be a lonely experience worshipping at home, especially for those who live alone.
Some are asking, when will we be going back to worship in the church again? Are you looking forward to coming back? And when we go back, will it be the same? Will our friendships, our Sabbath School classes, our potlucks continue as if nothing ever happened? Or will we appreciate them more after being gone a year? Just wondering.
Have I become comfortable with just watching from home? In fact, I’ve asked myself whether I’ll be in church every Sabbath when we open again? After all, I don’t have to get dressed up to watch the church service on live streaming. Or maybe I’d like to wear my Sabbath clothes again. On the other hand, I know I’ve missed the congregational singing at Sligo Church and especially singing “When We All Get to Heaven” at the end of Communion. Maybe we’ve been away long enough that we’re anxious to get back some sense of normalcy and going to church on Sabbath mornings would help. Just Wondering.
Some of our loneliness has been alleviated by meetings on Zoom. It’s good to be able to see and talk with our church family on Zoom for Sabbath School and special Sabbath afternoon meetings. One advantage of Zoom is that people can join from all parts of the world. Then again, some of us are “zoomed” out. Will we continue to Zoom after we come back to the church? Is this a way to reach beyond our immediate area? Just wondering.
Our children have continued many of their activities in spite of COVID. It’s harder and children love to be with each other. Are they looking forward to coming back and seeing their friends again on Sabbath morning? Just wondering.
How about the Pathfinders? Have they missed Boonsboro and camping? What about our Youth and Young Adults? Have they lost interest or are they waiting for opportunities to be together again? Just wondering.
It has been amazing to see how our members have adapted to giving online this past year. Our tithe was just about the same as it was the year before while the local church offerings did not fare quite as well. When we were in church, we tended to pull something from our wallets or purses for the local church. We’ve missed that. However, our members have stepped up in giving to help those in need as a result of COVID. We have supported Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) in a major way during this crisis. What will happen after? Will we continue to remember those in need? Just wondering.
It was interesting to see how quickly we could close everything down a year ago, but how difficult it is to open back up. There have been endless discussions about getting our children back in school so parents could go back to work. Yet, when some of the schools have opened, they’ve had to offer hybrid classes—some students in class and some virtually because all parents aren’t ready to send their children back yet. Takoma Academy Preparatory School will be opening up for in-person classes on March 22. Will parents be ready to send their children back or will many of them opt for virtual learning? Just wondering.
I think one of the most difficult things about this COVID year has been not being able to honor within our church walls our loved ones who have passed away. We need to hear the stories of so many lives well-lived and remember them in our hearts and we’ve missed that. How soon can we do that again? Just wondering.
We have a committee established to keep us informed when the risks have decreased sufficiently to recommend opening the church again. Perhaps, it won’t be long now. The question still is, will it be the same or will we not care, or hopefully, can we make it better? Just wondering.
And when this is over what will we tell our grandchildren 20 years from now? Just wondering.