“When a great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and women to do this work, and it will see the loss if the talents of both are not combined.” – Evangelism, 469
Most organizations and institutions have been founded by individuals possessing foresight and a compelling, well-articulated vision regarding the future potential of that entity. These individuals function as the main ‘idea master,’ providing the impetus for the organization’s birth, survival, and success. Organizations rarely evolve spontaneously, absent the dedication of a seasoned leader. Adventist organizations and institutions are no exception. Women during Biblical times and the early church showed extraordinary courage and leadership. Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, Ellen G White, Sarepta M. Irish Henry (organized the Woman’s Ministry in 1898), Dr. Lottie Blake (Founder of School of Nursing at Oakwood College), Nellie H. Ranlin Druillard (Founder of Madison College, that later became Andrews University) are excellent examples of women leaders of the past.
Within the Seventh-day Adventist church, several organizations and institutions have endeavored to recruit women for leadership roles traditionally occupied by men. Most members of relevant boards of directors accept that men and women tend to employ different leadership strategies, and this variety provides a balance that can be extremely useful. Officially, the Adventist church upholds an egalitarian view that both men and women should be given equal opportunity to assume senior leadership positions. Nevertheless, it is rare to find women in church senior leadership positions. However, Adventist women fill leadership roles in other organizations, where they serve with distinction.
To mark International Women’s Day in March, we are sharing stories of 15 inspirational Adventist women in leadership roles within the Adventist Church and other organizations who have overcome challenges and reached remarkable success. These Adventist women have many years of experience, and their unique stories will no doubt be an inspiration. There are numerous other inspirational Adventist women leaders who will be introduced in the forthcoming posts and we salute these distinguished women although they are not included this year.
Be blessed and inspired as you read about these amazing Adventist women leaders.
Adventist Women of Inspiration 2021