Earlier this year, a friend of mine sent me a box of books she no longer used. The box contained a small devotional book titled Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young. This little book has had a real impact on my life. Let me explain.
For starters, Ms. Young has chosen to write the book in the first person, as if Jesus is speaking directly to you. The message throughout the book is simple yet compelling: Trust in Me. Each day through a myriad of Bible readings, the author takes you to readings you’ve probably long-forgotten. I must say—this woman knows her Bible. (Trust me, the book of Zephaniah is not one I turn to frequently!) Each day, the readings call you back to a single theme: In order to really trust in God, you must daily connect with Him continually and intimately.
Why am I so enamored with this little devotional? Perhaps it’s just me, but I tend to ‘compartmentalize’ my days with a solid routine I rarely veer from. It goes like this: breakfast, workout, shower, worship, lunch, etc. Although worship plays a central role—I confess when I’m done—it’s off to the next task. Maybe you have a similar routine. Yet this is the opposite of what this devotional is about. Rather, her words encourage me to allow God to run my life, to allow His spirit to permeate me. Moreover, we’re to surrender our decisions, thoughts and actions to Him, to allow Him to take over worries and concerns.
My sisters and brothers, I am a proud and stiff-necked person! I am an obsessive planner: my day’s set in stone before I reach the breakfast table! Moreover, I typically prefer more rigorous, systemic Bible study which takes into account the historical parameters of the text. Yet the words of my Lord tenderly call me to His presence. This morning, for example, a portion of the lesson read: “My Spirit within you is your resident Tutor…Yield to his gentle prompting…”
Perhaps Jesus is calling each of us to yield to his gentle prompting, too. I’m thinking this prompting is not so much a mighty wind as it is a gentle breeze which softly caresses our cheek. It reminds us that we are His and that we are Loved, always we are Loved. As we celebrate His sacrifice on Calvary this weekend, listen for His tender and reassuring voice calling you to trust Him fully and embrace his gift of life.
Here’s a link to Anne Murray singing Softly and Tenderly