Have you ever found yourself waiting – waiting for test results, health improvement, a job, relationships, opportunities, the sale or purchase of a house, food, traffic lights change, etc. Years ago, I experienced my first heart-wrenching and stressful waiting period. Little did I know that many more waiting moments would follow. This past weekend I found myself waiting once again, waiting to see if my family and friends survived Hurricane Ida. Waiting can be hard and stressful!
Many times, in our lives we may face situations that require a waiting period that may cause anxiety. As a matter of fact, lately it seems that every day we are more prone to experience something that may potentially cause us anxiety. During these times we get to practice not only our patience, but our faith in God as well. I have found that if I prepare myself in advance by continuously spending time with God, things seem to go better for me.
Waiting can be hard, and according to the experts, one of the things that we may experience while waiting is anxiety. “A vast number of factors account for anxiety. Waiting for any reason can increase people’s level of anxiety.” So, if waiting can add stress to our lives, what can we do to help since we are continuously waiting?
One study done with patients waiting for medical results showed that music can be beneficial to calm anxiety: (Iranian journal of psychiatry) “Gentling the surrounding environment can effectively pacify the waiting patients. Cooper and Foster (2008) proposed that the patients’ favorite music noticeably decreased their anxiety while waiting for radiotherapy”
I was thrilled to hear this, and even agreed since music is one of the things I frequently go to. One song that has helped me over the years is, While I’m Waiting byJohn Waller. It really makes me think about what I personally do while I’m in a waiting period. Part of the lyrics say, “I’m waiting, I’m waiting on You Lord, And I am hopeful. I’m waiting on You Lord Though it is painful, but patiently I will wait.” What are you waiting for today?
What impresses me the most about this song is the part that says, “I will worship while I’m waiting. I will serve You while I’m waiting,” At first, I remember thinking, who can worship and serve while waiting? But as I built a deeper relationship with God, I discovered what this song was talking about. I may not always get it right, but when I find myself complaining instead of worshiping while in the waiting, I come to Jesus faster and things get better. Yes, of course I still complain at times!
The conclusion to the afore-mentioned study stated that a “Waiting environment is a crucial factor in creating anxiety.” We are all waiting for something and are likely to face anxiety. But there’s good news. We don’t have to wait alone because God is with us. Psalm 27 is called A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God. I want that “fearless Trust”! I love verse 14, “Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.” One commentary says that the Psalmist is “exhorting himself.” It goes on to say that his strong self is encouraging the weaker side of himself. Maybe today our strong self needs to encourage our weak self too. Together let’s be strong; wait fearlessly in God, and let us continue to worship and serve while we wait. May God bless you and may we know that as we wait, God is worthy to be praised.