As we continue to honor Black History Month, I’d like to share five reading recommendations for you this month. These literary texts reflect a variety of classical and contemporary voices on history, economy, and biblical/theological studies.
1. Thavolia Glymph, Out of the House of Bondage
2. Toni Morrison, Beloved
3. Lisa M. Bowens, African American Readings of Paul
4. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Stony the Road
5. Keenga-Yamahtta Taylor, Race for Profit
Any one of these authors will astound you with their range of research, while creating lyrical probing into aftereffects of enslavement, in contributing to richer and more intricate histories that have the potential to create a sustainable and just society.
As you engage, I hope we are afforded opportunities to learn and grow with one another – may this post be a starter to listen well. Faith is an education. It’s ok to learn and it begins by listening well.
“bear one another’s burdens…” (Gal. 6.2).