The eve before the invasion on Ukraine, reports rendered countless echoes of an imminent attack on the East borders of the country. We witnessed the East would not remain a target alone. The barraging strikes throughout the country was an unprecedented maneuver, gradually revealing pointed targets of military interest. This invasion would later be described as “unbelievable,” “surprising” and in a bewildered tone, “can’t believe he really did it.”
That evening I recalled Erik Larson’s brilliant The Splendid and The Vile. In the last phrase of the Reader’s Note he suggests “history is a lively abode, full of surprises.” The surprises from this week will have changed the world stage – variated foreign policies and economic partnerships. It truly is a different week. We are stepping into a new habitation of what consequential implications may look like the coming weeks/months.
We’ve witnessed a deeply disturbing rupture in Ukraine and our sympathies are with those whose lives have been impacted. I invite you to pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine that the Spirit may comfort and provide courage in the midst of the storm.
Psalms 82.3b, 4
“Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them…”