Sligo SDA Church celebrates the life of Adventist pioneer Dr. Lauretta Eby Kress, the first female physician in Montgomery County. Beyond her medical accomplishments, she was a loving wife and mother. She lived directly across Washington Adventist Hospital (former Washington Sanitarium). Within the twenty-years in Takoma Park, MD, she remodeled the basement of her residence at Krestview so she could have an office for her practice for women and babies.
Dr. Kress would also make a significant and historical mark in the Takoma Park community by starting a healthcare center. She served as president of the DC Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and is one of 45 women honored in the Montgomery County Women’s History Archives.
We are pleased to honor Dr. Kress’s remarkable passion for the wellbeing of women and children. We hope her legacy inspires us to a life of service, love and courage.